
One in three men and one in four women are affected by cancer by the age of 75. While medical research has improved the outlook for cancer patients in recent decades, cancer is still a leading cause of death worldwide.

To change these statistics, we are uniting against cancer. Instead of working in isolation, we’re inviting stronger and broader collaboration across disciplines, industries, networks and countries. And we’re building on this knowledge to improve the outcomes of every cancer patient. 

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to unite cancer research into a globally led partnership to deliver continuing evidence-based practice in diagnosis, intervention and support.

Our Focus

Our Focus

Our research looks at all stages of cancer: prevention, diagnosis, treatment and survival. There are four key areas we focus on:

  • Cancers with poor outcomes

    We’ve seen huge leaps forward for some cancers and little-to-no improvement in others. These include brain, pancreas, ovary and all rare cancers. We’re making these cancers our priority. We’re finding better ways to fund, treat and manage these cancers, paying special attention to the advanced stages of disease.
    Lead: Professor David Goldstein

  • Bringing ‘omics’ to clinical practice

    There has been an explosion of information on how the human genome, proteome and metabolome affect cancer. Now it’s time to translate these insights into better clinical practice. We’re linking ‘omic’ data with clinical and radiological data to better diagnose and treat cancer.

    Lead: Professor David Thomas.

  • Reducing variation in clinical practice

    Differences in how cancer patients are cared for can be costly – to the patient and our health system. These variations are avoidable. Big data helps us understand how and why clinical variation takes place, and what the consequences are. We’re building a unique platform that collects, analyses and reports on cancer care accurately. This will ensure a consistent approach to care that reduces costly and traumatic variations in the future.

    Lead: Associate Professor Winston Liauw.

  • Living better with and after cancer

    Cancer is a journey. It requires whole-of-life care from diagnosis through to treatment, recovery and survival as well as palliative care. There are hundreds of thousands of people in NSW who have had or are living with cancer. Both groups need hands-on support and care. We’re finding innovative ways to make care better, more personal and more affordable. Doing this ensures more patients can live better lives – with and after cancer.

    Lead: Professor Meera Agar.

Our Team

Many of our researchers are also clinicians who work in:

For more information contact Executive Officer, Stephanie Macmillan




We’re building co-ordinated research teams to leverage, focus and strengthen relevant research initiatives around the world. And we’re partnering with consumers, government and non-government organisations, charities and industry, to achieve significant breakthroughs. This will ensure we quickly turn our findings into life-changing outcomes for cancer patients everywhere.

All our research is conducted via respected research centres, including:
The Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research
The Lowy Cancer Research Centre
The Children’s Cancer Institute
The Garvan Institute of Medical Research
The Centre for Big Data Research in Health

Many of our researchers are also clinicians who work in:
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
South Western Sydney Local Health District
St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney
Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick

Join us 

If you’d like to join the Cancer CAG, you can do so here. 

Contact us

For more information on our work, contact Stephanie Macmillan, Executive Officer.