Youth Mentorship Program

The involvement of young people as partners in policy and health research is critical to ensure that research, policy and service delivery are accessible and meaningful to young people.

Project Details






Principal Investigators


Clinical Themes


Child UnLimited, has co-designed a Youth Mentorship Program with a network of consumers. It aims to empower young people with skills to become the health advocates of the future. The co-design process has been driven by Tiana Kittos, a young person with lived experience of cancer, who is a member of the Child UnLimited Consumer Board.

The program was launched in March 2023 and recruited 15 mentees; young people with lived experience of chronic illness, as well as mentors from across the research, clinical and not-for-profit sectors. The cohort of mentors recruited from the network have prepared a range of consumer activities for mentees including; co-leading consumer engagement workshops, providing feedback to a grant proposals, presenting research at a conference and co-creating art that explores healthcare transition experiences.
