20 Mar 2023

Implementation Science Platform hosts Professor Jeremy Grimshaw

A conversation with Professor Jeremy Grimshaw

SPHERE's Implementation Science Platform, in conjunction with The Nursing Research Institute, hosted Professor Jeremy Grimshaw on 15 March at the Garvan Institute in Sydney. Professor Grimshaw is a leading international authority in Knowledge Translation and Implementation Research. His research focuses on the evaluation of interventions to disseminate and implement evidence-based practice.

The question and answer format with Professor Sandy Middleton, Director of the Nursing Research Institute and the SPHERE Implementation Science Platform, provided an opportunity to delve into his career trajectory from when he started as a humble GP to becoming an international research guru on the topic of implementation research.

"Listening to Prof Grimshaw’s journey provided so many interesting and useful insights into how he as a clinician researcher evolved alongside the emergence of implementation science. It was fascinating. He truly is a trailblazer for the field," said Associate Professor Natalie Taylor.

Associate Professor Caleb Ferguson agreed, "The session provided a great insight into Prof Grimshaw’s extensive and world-leading career working in implementation science. He shared candid reflections and helpful insights on implementation science methods, also around the need to build capacity. Many pearls of wisdom!"

The night ended with an opportunity for the audience, from research, clinical and academic backgrounds, to ask direct questions to inspire their research.

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