MOLECULAR TUMOUR BOARD: The biomarker boom in non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer
Three to four cases will be presented exemplifying the standard of care for molecular testing in NSCLC, and impact this may have on the therapeutic pathway and survival. Cases may have accessed liquid biopsy to expedite diagnosis, monitor disease control and/or explore the underpinnings of drug resistance. Liquid biopsy is an evolving and complementary tool to tissue in NSCLC. The therapeutic landscape for oncogene driven lung cancers has rapidly evolved in recent years, and ever changing. A reliable molecular diagnosis is key.
Dr Malinda Itchins (BMed Sci; MBBS(Hons1); FRACP; PhD) is a Thoracic Medical Oncologist at Royal North Shore Hospital and Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, Sydney. She is co-chair of the advanced NSCLC lung cancer scientific committee for the Thoracic Oncology Group of Australasia (TOGA) and Board Director and Lung Cancer Chair with the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA). Dr Itchins is Primary Investigator on numerous Industry and Investigator Initiated thoracic cancer clinical trials and has published many peer review articles in lung cancer. She sits on Government and Industry Advisory Boards in lung cancer and was awarded her PhD in 2020 investigating drug resistance in ALK+ NSCLC, preclinically and clinically. Dr Itchins is a Clinical Lecturer with the University of Sydney, and is passionate about personalised and equitable access to care for people with thoracic cancers (and beyond).
A/Prof Steven Kao is a staff specialist in medical oncology at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse (COBL) and also has a position as a research fellow at the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute (ADRI). As a medical oncologist in his practice, he specialises in the management of thoracic cancer patients. A/Prof Kao is also very actively involved in clinical trials in the oncology setting, both investigator-initiated and those supported by the pharmaceutical industry. A/Prof Kao completed his PhD in 2013 at the ADRI, where his research focused on thoracic lung cancers, particularly malignant mesothelioma (MM). He has been instrumental in the development of the mesothelioma biobank and integrated database at the institute. As an early career researcher, A/Prof Kao has been chief investigator on a number of successful research grants, with over $5.25m of competitive funding and has over 50 publications in total, including over 35 original articles in peer-reviewed journals.
In recognition of his research achievements, A/Prof Kao has received three Cancer Institute NSW Premier’s Awards for Outstanding Cancer Research: in 2014 for Excellence in Translational Research as a member of a multidisciplinary team investigating mesothelioma; in 2012 for Outstanding Cancer Research Scholar; and in 2011 for the International Studentship Award (PORUS fellowship).
Clinical Professor Rosemary Balleine is a Research Pathologist working in the field of translational cancer research. She has long-standing connections to health services and translational research initiatives in western Sydney. Prof Balleine’s research has focused in the areas of molecular profiling of cancer tissues, familial cancer and pharmacogenomics. She is the Sydney Cancer Partners Clinical and Strategic Partnerships Lead.